
Alexander Alexiev

I am an undegraduate student studying Engineering Science at the University of Toronto. I am pursuing a Major in Robotics with a Minor in Machine Intelligence. Throughout my degree, I've worked at Electronic Arts as a Machine Learning Intern, I worked at MIT and Brigham and Women's Hostpial as a Biomedical Robotics Researcher, and I am a part of the Robot Vision and Learning group at the University of Toronto supervised by prof. Florian Shkurti.

   /   alex.alexiev [at] mail (dot) utoronto (dot) ca


Robot Vision and Learning Lab @ University of Toronto

  • Currently developing a novel technique to convert a monocular video into a dynamic 3D gaussian splatting representation to use for large scale imitation learning.
  • Created a computer vision pipeline to incorporate learning into task and motion planning (TAMP) problems by learning representations for 3D scenes with a series of CNNs and GNNs using perception data and automatically generated scene graphs from object poses.
  • Used Slurm and Docker to parallelize multiple data collection instances from a DRAKE simulation of a Franka Panda environment and multiple model training sessions in Tensorflow to gather training statistics and compare different models efficiently.

Lab for Translational Engineering @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology and BWH

  • Led the development of a pill sized ingestible robot to autonomously deliver mRNA vaccines inside the stomach through a non-invasive manner. (Manuscript under preperation)
  • Created an ingestible robot to create a map of the small intestine in 10 wavelengths to non-invasively and autonomously detect internal bleeding and bruising. (Manuscript under preparation)
  • Developed a low power algorithm in C++ to fuse sensor data on an implant and detect opioid overdoses. An Implantable System for Opioid Safety, Device 100517

Machine Learning Group @ Electronic Arts

  • Created a tool for the Frostbite game engine in C++ to gather 3D bounding boxes for key animation objects and stream the data to a remote server for machine learning models.
  • Optimized the FIFA game testing process by designing an Autoencoder CNN with Tensorflow to detect visual animation glitches and therefore allowing human game testers to focus on more complex feedback.


Hen-Wei Huang, Peter R. Chai, ..., Alexander Alexiev, and Giovanni Traverso
An Implantable System for Opiod Safety
Device 100517 [Paper] [Press]